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Job Resource Board

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Saved by pixelman
on July 19, 2012 at 5:05:01 pm

Toronto Girl Geek Job Resource Board

Here is a list of job search sites and other resources to help you find the job you're looking for. While there are some well known job sites listed, these are typically not just classified listings and is also not meant to advertise for recruiters. As a starting point it was kept strictly to where you can find a job now to guide your career in the appropriate direction.


All the best in your job search!


Tech/New Media jobs


Other industries


Finance and Accounting

Job Wings

Accounting Jobs


Government Jobs



City of Toronto


Green/Not for Profit

Charity Village

Good Work Canada

Great Green Careers


Information/Library/Records Management

ARMA Toronto JOBlog

Canadian Library Association

the Partnership Job Board

University of Toronto Faculty of Information Jobline




Legal Jobs

Paralegal Jobs


Project Management/Business Analysis

Project Management Jobs

Business Analysis Jobs



Canadian Association of Independent Schools

Canadian Society for Training and Development

Education Canada

Edujobs Canada

Jobs in Education



Admin Support


Business Communication jobs in Ontario (IABC)

Call Centre


Hospitality Careers

Human Resources





General job listings




Freelance Opportunities (includes temporary gigs)



The Freelaance Writing Jobs Network






Twitter feeds for tech job hunters



Job search resources


30+ Websites to Visit When You're Laid Off

Using the Social Web to Find Work

Need to Find a Job? Stop Looking so Hard

Educational and Career Development Resources

Career Fairs

Employer Reviews

Tips to find a great job and personal growth opportunities

Finding work in troubled times

5 Biggest job applicant mistakes

Unusual job search tactics

Hot tips and cool tricks to drive your job search

Model Pic

The Best Travel Guide

Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco

Kings Dominion in Doswell

Carowinds Paramount

Moonrise Kingdom Movies Reviews

Coronado Beach Resort

Union Station Toronto reopened once flooding

Travelsphere launches 2013 brochure

Buy Scuba Diving Equipment on-line




Ontario Self-Employment Benefits program


If you are out of job and receive EI or were eligible for it in the last 3 years (or maternity/parental benefits within the last 5 years) and want to start your own business, look into Ontario Self-Employment Benefits program.

My SEB experience


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